While I was off in Wisconsin, my partner was having an adventure of his own in Massachusetts. It is with pleasure that I post a guest blog by the Cycling Yogi.
The most direct route from where
I'm staying in Arlington, MA out to Walden Pond is to follow Route 2A, about 11
miles each way. Google Maps recommended following the Minuteman Commuter
Bikeway all the way up to Bedford, then turning south along the Reformatory
Branch trail for a total of 13.6 miles. I was feeling that the mid-Saturday
outing, including a swim across the pond, might get too long, so I was inclined
toward the shorter route. But once on the Minuteman, I was able to appreciate
the venerable wisdom in Google's well-considered judgment. 7 miles without
traffic noise, without hills, overhung by shade trees, mostly through suburban
backyards, but with patches of woods and one pretty painless stretch skirting
Lexington Center. My only regret was that the mountain bike I had rented on
arriving in Cambridge was geared too low to take full advantage of the long,
smooth straightaways. (I could have rented a road bike for $65 a day.)
It was Saturday and there were
families. Occasional children with training wheels weaved across the path, a
mother glided by on rollerblades with son in a jogging stroller, and I passed
two older women pulling shopping carts. Traffic thinned as I progressed toward
the outer suburbs, which still retain a good deal of farmland and forest,
despite the development that greater Boston has undergone since I lived here
three decades ago.
In Bedford, the Minuteman ended and
I had to ask directions to the Reformatory Branch. It turned out to be a dirt
path, quite passable after a long, dry summer, but a bit bumpy and much slower
than the asphalt. Ah, but the wide-tired mountain bike seemed such a practical
choice! The path skirted a farm, then ended near Concord Center, from which I
was directed (duh) to Walden St for the last mile and a half.

I hadn't been to Walden in several
years, and the path from the intersection at Route 2 had sprouted a sign, “Not
a Legal Park Entrance”. Ignoring it, I continued toward the stones that marked
Thoreau's cabin, and the little cove I remembered just below, where half a
dozen blue kayaks now were anchored. The best surprise of the day came when I
got out to the middle of the lake. Traffic! I'm used to being the only one who
ventures more than 100 yards from shore, but Walden has become a destination
resort for long-distance swimmers. Swimmers lapping length from the guarded
beach at the East end as well as people like myself who took off across the
width from various spots along the perimeter. There were smooth, strong strokes
and lazy breaststrokes, multicolored bathing caps, men in wet suits and a teen
trailing a tethered kickboard (just in case, I supposed). The Chamber of
Commerce is raising money to install traffic lights.
Bicycling is ever so much more
popular than when I made my living as Boston's only cycling piano teacher in
the 1970s, but lake swimming has yet to take off. I was thrilled to see so many
devotees in one body of water.
For the way back, I was tempted by
sheer perversity to ride on the shoulder of busy, 60 mph Route 2 for just one
mile, after which it comes out to the 5-mile, meandering trail through the
Minuteman National Historical Park. More mountain bike country, with signs
describing historic buildings and sites along the Midnight Ride. I followed
other cyclists and navigated by the sun for the trip back to Lexington. There I
rejoined the Minuteman Trail and enjoyed the last few miles of smooth, shaded
bike path before mounting the ridge and descending through suburban landscape
back to the home where I'm staying, overlooking a golf course and the Mystic
I'm reminded how much I miss the
landscape littered with lakes that surrounds Boston. I see why Miles Standish opted
to settle here, and wonder why I ever moved to Philadelphia.