had never heard of randonneuring until I started reading bike blogs. They’re
intense, long distance sport rides – not exactly my kind of biking. But then I
came across the errandonnee – a challenge to encourage transportation cycling this
February. There were a slew of rules – quirky enough to make it fun, but
sufficiently numerous to make it a challenge. In a nutshell, participants were
charged with completing at least 12 errands in 12 days, from at least 7
different categories (from a list of 11), riding a total of at least 30 miles,
and making at least 2 trips in the dark.
avidly took up the challenge, and my successful completion was serendipitously
aided by having already planned to take off work on what turned out to be two
of the nicest days one could hope for in February. Here are the results of my
Trip #1 – February 10, 2013 – Sun and Moon Yoga; Category: Community
meeting/church – 3 miles
I figured it was Sunday morning and Yoga is as close to church
as I’ll get. I was concerned about the temperature, but observed that 38
degrees was plenty warm enough. I forgot to take a photo to document the trip,
so am taking the liberty of including one that I took a few weeks earlier when
I was thrilled to see the new bike parking.
I went after yoga, so I counted the three miles home for
this trip. Also no photo, but my receipt proves that I was there after yoga. I
observed that the bike parking outside Safeway still has a ton of plastic on
the “staple.” I don’t think it’s getting a lot of action.
Trip #3 – February 12, 2013 – Work; Category (duh) work – 10
I knew I’d have no trouble making 30 miles, since my one-way
commute is 10. I happily observed new paving on parts of the Custis Trail. It
was my first bike commute to work since shoulder surgery so it was a happy day
for me!
Trip #4 – February 12, 2013 – physical therapy; Category:
personal care – 3 miles
I went to PT from work on the metro, so I counted the miles
from PT to home. I observed – not for the first time – that biking on the
sidewalk on the west side of Glebe Road is nearly impossible because Arlington
County has chosen to plant trees in the pedestrian area of the sidewalk. I like
trees and all, but the placement seems questionable.
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PT receipt - I highly recommend Hand-n-Hand |
Trip #5 – February 13, 2013 – Work; Category: work – 10
Two days in a row – yippee! I had thought the day before
that there was a new curb cut on the Mt. Vernon Trail by the bridge to Theodore
Roosevelt Island, but more carefully observed that it had been there all along;
it just was no longer blocked by plastic barriers.
Trip #6 – February 14, 2013 – Physical therapy; Category:
personal care – 3 miles
I had my combination U lock over the handlebars and, even
though I had twisted the numbers, it managed to open itself up and fall off.
Trip #7 – February 14, 2013 – Harris Teeter; Category:
breakfast – 1 block
Okay, I was getting a few groceries, but I wasn’t sure I’d
be able to use enough categories, so I counted the free samples of bread,
cheese, and fruit that I ate while walking the aisles of H-T as a breakfast
visit. I observed the truly shitty placement of the bike rack…way beyond all
the miles of shopping carts and underneath a ginormous vent that blasted out a
hurricane-force, loud, stinky blast of foul air.
Trip #8 – February 14, 2013 – Arlington Central Library;
Category: library – 1 mile
I noted a beat up old classic bike already in the rack. As
luck would have it, the owner of the cute bike came out at the same time I was
leaving. She looked to be nearly 80 years old. We chatted and she told me she
can’t be bothered with parking a car everywhere around Arlington. Her bike –
get this – was a fixie, no breaks. Go granny!! I asked her how she gets up
hills and she told me she gets off the bike and walks. I didn’t think to ask
how she stops going down the hills.
Trip #9 – February 15, 2013 – Sun and Moon Yoga; Category:
wild card – 3 miles
Although I’ve been teaching yoga for some weeks since my
surgery, this was the first class I’d taken – another big hurrah for my
recovery. I observed, however, that my combination lock had become a huge pain
– the numbers were totally jammed and it made me late for class (boo).
Trip #10 – February 15, 2013 – Big Wheel Bikes; Category:
bike shop – couple blocks
The silver lining of my jammed lock was that I got to add
another category. The nice fellows at Big Wheel greased the lock for me and
it’s been working fine ever since. Oops - no photo and no receipt since I got free service.
Trip #11 – February 15, 2013 – Barnes and Noble; Category:
(non-grocery) store – 2 miles
I went in search of literary journals and discovered that
there are more bicycle-oriented magazines than literary journals. I again
forgot to take a photo, so here’s my receipt. I tried out two new pubs:
Tricycle (it’s a Buddhist journal – but, well, good name, too) and Bitch (how
can you go wrong with a name like that? I’d seen my daughter reading it and
figured I’d check it out).
Trip #12 – February 15, 2013 – Trader Joe’s; Category: grocery
store – 2 miles
As the photo shows, a bag of dog food pretty much fills the
Trip # 13 – February 16, 2013 – Westover Post Office;
category: wild card – 1 mile
They have a very strange style of bike parking at the post
office, but weird parking is better than none.
Trip #14 – February 20, 2013 Night Trip #1 – Lost Dog;
category: dessert – 2 miles
So, the only part of the errandonnee that gave me problems
was getting in the night trips. I was never leaving early enough in the morning
for it to be dark and then it started getting cold and I couldn’t face going
out at night just to satisfy my obsessive adherence to the arbitrary rules of
the game. So here was my plan: I biked to the Ballston metro in the morning and
figured I would work late enough that by the time I biked back to my
neighborhood I could stop and do two errands in the dark. Moreover, I was quite
aware that there were 3 meal-oriented categories, none of which I would have
really used. But, I decided I deserved to stop for a cookie after all my
Trip #15 – February 20, 2013 Night Trip #2 – Westover
Library; category: library – 1 mile
I walked from where I parked by Lost Dog so that I wouldn’t
have to re-lock and strap my light back on. I didn’t want to take the chance of
having my good rechargeable light stolen. A few weeks ago, my front blinking
light that I left on the “workhorse” bike was stolen while it was parked at the
East Falls Church Metro.
So, my final tally: 11 days, 44 miles, 15 errands, 10
categories, 2 night trips, and a whole lot of fun on my bikes. Thanks to
Chasing Mailboxes for creating the challenge. It gave me an incentive to do more
biking than I otherwise would have – especially on some of the colder days.
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As you can see, it was plenty dark by the time I got home |