Many life
lessons are learned on a bike, and last Friday’s ride reinforced a common
theme: you may start out expecting one thing and find that life has something
entirely different in store for you. I’m
still in Minneapolis , and accompanied my cousin
Miriam to her weekly yoga class – a strength-building vinyasa-based session at
the Center for Performing Arts, taught by Arles – a skilled and
permission-giving instructor.
In the late
afternoon, her partner, Amy, and I biked to Minnehaha Falls
– the area I’d gotten lost in three times on Wednesday. With Amy as my Sherpa,
we easily found the falls, following the Minnehaha trail for an easy 5-mile
ride. Amy filled me in on the local history: tributes to the poet Longfellow –
whose epic Hiawatha was reputedly
inspired by the falls and, in turn, was incorporated into Dvorak’s New World Symphony. The steps and stone
walls that facilitate viewing of the falls were a 1940 Works ProgressAdministration project – a reminder of the many useful government-funded
efforts of days gone by.

viewing the falls and some surrounding areas, we were heading home, riding a
somewhat deserted section of path along Hiawatha Avenue (also known as I-55) when
we spotted a small white dog scampering in the grass. There were a few parked
cars, and I assumed the dog’s owner was watching it. But Amy, wiser and more
compassionate than I, insisted we investigate. In fact, the cars were empty,
the dog had no collar, and there were no people around. The friendly little
fellow was only too happy for us to scoop him up and go for a ride in Amy’s
But the
afternoon was hot and, after a couple miles, the little white dog managed to
jump out. We called Miriam and asked her to meet us at a designated point where
the bike path intersected the road. For the next mile or so, Amy cradled the
pooch in one arm, and impressed me with her ability to ride one handed to the
pick-up location. While Miriam drove the lost dog home, Amy and I stopped to
pick up some dog food and enjoyed delicious homemade ice cream cones from GrandOle Creamery.
Back at
Miriam and Amy’s, we were quickly besotted by “our” new dog. We tried to figure
out if he was a Bichon, or a Malti-Poo, or some other breed. He appeared to be
well taken care of, but Miriam’s daughter, Rhea, gave him a bath with Aveda
shampoo and we pulled out an assortment of toys left over from their departed
dog, Yofi. The plan was that, in the morning, Amy would take the dog to a vet
to see if it had a microchip, and call local animal shelters to see if there
was a missing dog report that matched his description. However, I think that
everyone harbored a secret hope that he would become part of the family, as he
was a delightfully charming, affectionate, and well-behaved little fellow.

I went up
to bed around 10:00 but my concern about the dog was nagging at me. I pulled
out my I-pad and did an online search: “Minneapolis
lost small white dog” – which quickly took me to Craig’s List. Less than 2 hours
earlier, a listing for a “multi-poo,” lost near the Minnehaha dog park had been
posted. It included a photo of a dog named Cooper, clearly the same little
fellow who had so quickly won us over. With some sadness, but knowing it was
the right thing, we called the number – which turned out to be the owner’s
irresponsible girlfriend who had been caring for the dog. We said it was too
late to pick the dog up that night, but arranged for the owner to call early
Saturday morning.
Miriam and
I left Saturday morning to take a workshop on “Writing Family” at the Loft Literary Center where she studies.
Thus, we missed meeting Cooper’s daddy and the bittersweet goodbye to the
little charmer. Amy reported that Cooper went wild with glee when his dad
arrived, so we rested assured that we had performed a mitzvah – a good deed – by rescuing Cooper and finding his rightful
owner. He turned out to be a Maltese-Shitsu-Poodle mix, and I wouldn’t be
surprised if some similar dog eventually makes its way into Miriam and Amy’s

Miriam and
I both enjoyed the workshop, ably taught by Laura Flynn and then walked around
the neighborhood, in which I saw many people on bikes. Minneapolis is clearly a very bike-friendly
community. We went into the new Guthrie Theater and walked out onto the viewing
area to see the “endless bridge” which crosses the Mississippi
river and is closed to automobiles, making it a lovely crossing
for pedestrians and bicyclists.
morning the rain has begun, and thus, I may have taken my last bike ride in the
Twin Cities, for now. I will enjoy just hanging out with family for the last
full day of what has been a wonderful visit. But I look forward to future trips
to Minneapolis ,
and the chance to explore more of the city’s beautiful bicycle infrastructure.
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